Technical Vocations for a Career Head Start

Berndorf, april 2024 – Across Austria, women are very much in a minority when it comes to technical professions. But the Berndorf Band Group is actively encouraging them to take up trades. We talked to three young female mechanical and materials engineers from the Berndorf Band Group who opted for a typically male profession – and found their true calling in the process.

„Right now I’m training as a materials technician, but I also trained as a mechanical engineer – it runs in the family, with my father, my uncle and my two cousins all trained in this profession“

Tamara Büchsenmeister

Family background has a similar role to play in her colleague Sophie Skobek’s choice of career: “As my family runs a winery and a Heuriger wine tavern in Leobersdorf, I really wanted to train in something that would put me in a position to actively help my family. I’ve been with the company for three years now, and since spring I’ve been working in the warehouse at the Berndorf Band Group,” says Sophie Skobek, who took to her future profession from the moment her trial period began. “The fact that I was already familiar with so many tools from home definitely gave me a clear advantage.” Caroline Smolinski also completed her three-year apprenticeship at the Berndorf Band Group: “I qualified as a mechanical engineer in March 2023. I could never have imagined learning to be a hairdresser or anything like that. I wanted to do something practical, without being held back by preconceptions.”

What are the challenges that these three young women face every day in an industry that is still dominated by men?
Tamara Büchsenmeister

“Everyone gets along very well in the team,” says Tamara Büchsenmeister. “It’s not uncommon for men to be a little unsettled at the start when they suddenly find they have a woman working alongside them. It’s really important not to allow this to knock you off your stride, and you need to nip any inappropriate comments in the bud.”

Caroline Smolinski

“I usually just ignore any comments about my strength or physical condition,” adds Caroline Smolinski. “And if someone tells me that I am not as strong as a man, I just shake my head – I know just how strong I am and what I am capable of achieving. I’ve had to prove myself in this regard in the past. And I’ve often had compliments saying that I muck in more than some men.”

Sophie Skobek

“So far, I’ve not had any problems at work due to the fact that I am a woman,” says Sophie Skobek. “Everyone is really friendly and helpful. But I also think that as a woman in a male-dominated industry, you just need a strong character from the outset: you can’t afford to be shy and retiring, otherwise things’ll be difficult for you.”

What words of advice do the three have for other women who are interested in pursuing a technical profession?
Caroline Smolinski

“Have faith in yourself and take advantage of any offers to try out different jobs for size – don’t hold back!”, advises Caroline Smolinski: “Don’t reject a trade out of hand, just give it a go!”

Tamara Büchsenmeister

“If you are interested in a technical profession as a woman, you can go a long way,” Tamara Büchsenmeister explains, offering a word of encouragement for others: “Problems need to be addressed immediately – and the rest will work itself out.”

Sophie Skobek

“Don’t be afraid to speak up. Show your commitment and willingness to help, too – then there really won’t be any issues,” adds Sophie Skobek.

What future plans do they have as regards their own professional careers?
Sophie Skobek

“I want to get up in the morning and look forward to the day – and work – ahead. That’s important to me,” says Sophie Skobek, who helps out a lot on the family farm and loves reading Stephen King books in her spare time.

Caroline Smolinski

“I’d like to stay with the Berndorf Band Group until I retire,” says Caroline Smolinski. “I feel at home here and I’m well integrated into the team. For me, stability and fixed working hours are important.” Outside of work, the young mechanical engineer’s focus is on getting her driving licence. Her leisure time is also taken up at home with a litter of newborn puppies.

Tamara Büchsenmeister

“I don’t have my professional goal for the next few years completely mapped out yet,” admits Tamara Büchsenmeister: “But I definitely want to complete my Matura [school leavers certificate] and pass my second apprenticeship exam. I’m thinking of continuing my training as a master trades person or maybe studying materials engineering, but all of that’s still a bit of a distant dream,” she reveals. Sporty by nature, she can regularly be found in the gym or out enjoying the great outdoors in her free time

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